Within the scope of thiscourse; biological, physiological, psychological, socio-cultural factors affecting women's health and issues related to the protection and development of women's health are included. In this context; there are topics such as reproductive health, sexual health, contraceptive methods and counselling, women's health problems according to life stages, screening tests and early diagnosis applications, gynaecological diseases and care, pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care, gender, violence.
Prof. Ayten ŞENTÜRK ERENEL (Head of Department)
Asst. Prof. Mehtap UZUN AKSOY
Res. Assist. PhD. Sıdıka PELİT AKSU
Res. Assist. PhD. Canan UÇAKCI ASALIOĞLU
Res. Assist. Aliye DOĞAN GANGAL
Res. Assist. Eda ŞİMŞEK ŞAHİN
Res. Assist. Serap ALKAŞ
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