Nursing Week Event: Nursing Education During Pandemic Process
24 May 2021 | 11:59

With the participation of Prof. Dr. Musa YILDIZ, Rector and Prof. Dr. Bülent Elbasan, Dean, a webinar on "Nursing Week Activity: Nursing Education During Pandemic Process Advantages/Disadvantages, Different Country Example" was held on May 14, 2021 at 15.15 by the moderating of Prof. Dr. Ayten Şentürk Erenel, Head of Nursing Department. Intense interest has been shown in the webinar in which Prof. Dr. Hülya Okumuş, Head of Nursing Education Association and Dr. Memnun Seven, University of Massachusetts Amherst College of Nursing, attended as a speaker.


We would like to thank our lecturers and participants who contributed to this webinar.

Click to view the video

Happy nurses week.


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